What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing your product?
When I started to plan my film I used a descriptive writing piece I had written and modified it to suit my target audience and be boosted into film quality material. I then had to map out possible actors and actresses for my production and how the actors would dress, the location and the scripts.
I had to research how to use the camera steadily and to get the best focal shots on the actors so even though it is an AS year 12 media film production, that it was a good movie.
Digital work, so editing and so forth although I had been introduced to other adobe products such as Photoshop and Illustrator, I had never used Premiere Pro. It wasn't the easiest of applications to use at first but I shortly got the hang of it and was able to edit my film. There were certain tricks I didn't know how to do so I would search for videos on different editing styles and features that could be made available through simple editing techniques. One I particularly liked was the flickering effect, which was simply cutting small chunks from the word slide so that when the film was playing the production name (Movietale) flickered as a light would. I learnt how to also delete audio and keep the clips vice versa, how to adjust the volume in certain areas of the clips and how to add in text.
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